Thursday, 18 September 2008

The clock's ticking,

Yes indeed, I am back.

You may wonder why I am writing again so soon, after I said in my last post that I wouldn't till I got to uni.
This would be because I am putting off sorting everything for said departure. I leave now in 3 days, I have not started packing, my new laptop will not be picked up till this afternoon and I have so many things still to do which are completely overwhelming me. So I have gone into hibernation and am utilising the skill I tried to develop the last time I moved house... if I look at it for long enough, it will pack itself. However I fear this may not be the case and I really should get packing. Although, where to begin, packing up the last 5 years of your life (since the last move) deciding what to take with you, what can you do without, what do you desperately need?

I would write a list, but I know that I'll waste so much time in writing the list, that the contents of the list will never be finished. I've been promising myself for ages that I will finish everything in time before I go away, I had so many things to achieve, and yet I've achieved very few of them.

I'm going to miss everyone so very much, and although I'm very excited about going to uni, I know that I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone when I get home at christmas, though having said that I will probably find that everything has changed in some way and nothing feels the same and everything will be somewhat different. I hope against all hopes that this is not the case, but in my experience of moving away from things I know, this is inevitable.

Now I must stop procrastinating and do something productive, however small this productive thing is, it must be done so that I feel I have done something useful with my day.

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