Sunday, 16 November 2008

The Art of Procrastination

Procrastination in my opinion, is a subtle art form... I believe myself to be a master as I can never bring myself to do anything I really need to do, and instead find other meaningless tasks to do instead... this blog happens to be one of them.
I have a delightful essay to be writing about Basic Beliefs in Philosophy and I really cannot bring myself to do it. Doesn't help really that all the good books have been taken from the library grr.

Anyway that's hardly exciting news, onto more interesting stuff...
Unfortunately I'm strapped for interesting ideas at the moment. Friday we had a massive glowstick war with next door where it was the boys vs us girls, we weren't sure who won in the end, but Craig and Richard appeared to concede after a while. Amy also came to stay (Amy is my friend who lives in Shrewsbury who I met at New Wine last year :) )

Apart from that my weekend has been fairly boring, just mosied around, need to actually get down to all my work now because we're getting to a dire state of not getting things done.
Also needing to clean everything for an inspection... have currently cleaned the bathroom.. now for the rest of the house.

Anyway that wasn't all that exciting, but maybe I'll post sometime soon with something exciting to say... we'll see eh.


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